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Live in Bremen, Germany
From Seoul, Korea

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Solo Exhibitions / Artistic Directing



Seoul(kr)/Windmill (planned in September)
- Awarded a grant by Art Council Korea

Seoul(kr)/TINC(this is not a church)/ <꼬리를 삼키는 연습 - Mourning Heat>
- Awarded a grant by Art Council Korea

Seoul(kr)/Euljiro OF/ <A flowing body does not decay>
- Awarded a grant by Seoul Metropolitan City, Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture

Group Exhibitions / Performances
Ghent(be) / NTGent / (planned in October)
Lüdenscheid (de) / LIGHTROUTEN / Curated by Bettina Pelz (planned in March)
Bremen(de) / Modular Monday / MS Dauerwelle
Liege (be) / IMPACT festival / Société libre d’Émulation asbl
Namur (be) / KIKK festival / Hospice d’Harscamp
Seoul (kr) / Bukchon Traditional Culture Center / 2024 서로엮는 북촌의 날 / <Mourning Heat(열곡(熱哭))>
Gelsenkirchen (de) / Licht Kunst Projekte Gelsenkirchen / Goldstücke <Diplopia>
Seoul (kr)/ Arko Museum / <Young Artist Day - Emerging Artist Portfolio Exhibition>
Bremen (de) / Hochschule für Künste: Auditorium / <What will be there in the end>
Linz (at) / Ars Electronica Campus / <Matter matters> / Curated by Ralf Baecker
Bremen (de) / Hochschule für Künste: Gallery Flut / <Scapes of Coexistence> / Curated by Bojana Petković
Brixen (it) /<Brixen Water Light festival>: Neustift Abbey Novacella / <Spill> / Curated by Bettina Pelz
Gyeonggi Province (kr) / Chang Ucchin Museum of Art Yangju City / <All in one>
Bremen (de) / HEC Bremen / <Sponsorship final Presentation >
Bremen (de) / Hochschule für Künste: Speicher XI / <Hochschultage Bremen 2022>
Bremen (de) / Hochschule für Künste: Circa 106 / <Open studio, where is the rest of my body>
Bremen (de) / Hochschule für Künste: Gallery Nebenflut / <Learning to draw> / Curated by Ralf Baecker
Bremen (de) / From the A / <Fair art fair no fear>

Seoul (kr) / Eulji Art Fair Prize / <Eulji Art Fair Prize>
Seoul (kr) / Kyung Hee University Museum of Art / <Good afternoon Good evening Good night>
Gyeonggi Province (kr) / Chang Ucchin Museum of Art Yangju City / <New Drawing Project>
Seoul (kr) / Soorim Art Center / <Hold the Breath>
Seoul (kr) / Artspace Notsun / <Ladder Game>
Tai Po (hk) / CCA Art Studio Gallery / <KHU-EdUHK Exchange Exhibition>
Gyeonggi Province (kr) / Space+ gallery / <Where am I who am I>
Seoul (kr) / Kyung Hee University Museum of Art / <Not yet finished>
Seoul (kr) / Seoul Museum of Art / The Gallery / <Little Myths (an citizen curator curating exhibition)>
Seoul (kr) / Space Jag-eun-mul / <Failed Photographs>
Seoul (kr) / Kyung Hee University Museum of Art / <Peep>
Seoul (kr) / Artspace Honghapbelly / <Meaning of Meaningless>
Seoul (kr) / Yogiga gallery / <A Plate>
Seoul (kr) / KyungHee University Museum of Art / <First step>

Berlin(de) / Cultural Radiance:Light Art Mentor Workshop / Collegium Hungaricum Berlin / Hosted by Public Art Lab, Colloc, Sérum, VALOPARTA OY
Bremen(de) / Hochschule für Künste Bremen Electronic Workshop /  DIY PCB workshop with Qianxun Chen
Liége(be) / La Grand Poste / Artist Talk
Bremen(de) / Hochschule für Künste Bremen / Juicy Workshop / From Basic 3D modelling to 3D printing
Honors and Awards
Granted by Arts Council Korea for ARKO selection
Granted by Arts Council Korea for Youth Art Support for Young Artist
Granted by Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture for Youth Art Support
DAAD STIBET I Scholarship, Germany
Hochschulprize 2022, Art University of Bremen, Germany
HEC Sponsorship, Germany
 Collection of City Museum of Art Yangju, South Korea
Academic excellence practical skill Scholarship, Kyung Hee University
Academic excellence practical skill Scholarship, Kyung Hee University


Digital Media, in Master Program, University of art Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, South Korea

Sunhwa High School of Arts, Seoul, South Korea

Art Production and Cultural Management
2025Installation AssistantGhent(be)/ Ralf Baecker / Zebrastraat (planned)2024Art MediationBremen(de)/Digital Media Bremen/<What will be there in the end>2023Project ManagerSeoul(kr)/Kimchi and Chips/SEOUL BIENNALE OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM/<Reworld>Installation AssistantBrixen(it)/Christine Sciulli/Water Light Festival Brixen/<Geborgenheit>2022Structure DesignSeoul(kr)/Jin Lee/ Zero1/<(im)perfect(un)certain(non)object>Production AssistantAthen(gr)/Kimchi and Chips/Plásmata/ <Another Moon>Production AssistantVenice(it)/Yunchul Kim/Venice Biennale/Korean Pavilion/<Gyre>2021Production AssistantEssen(de)/Kimchi and Chips/Essen Zollverein New Now Festival/<Another Moon>2020Production AssistantSeoul(kr)/Juree Kim/<습경(濕景); 경계의 풍경>2019Production AssistantSeoul(kr)/Jinah Roh/Post Territory Ujeongguk/<InterFacial ExTension>Production AssistantSeoul(kr)/Yunchul Kim/Paradise Art Lab/<Chroma II>Production AssistantSeoul(kr)/Yunchul Kim/Barakat Contemporary/<GLARE>2018Production AssistantLondon(gb)/unchul Kim/ACC UK/<Dawns, Mine, Crystal>